Friday, December 31, 2010

January practice schedule with drylands added

Monday January 3, Dryland 6:30p, Ice 7:45
Wednesday January 12, Dryland 6:30p, Ice 7:15
Tuesday January 18, Ice 6:30 - 8:45 (2 hrs ice, no dryland)
Wednesday January 26 Ice 6:15pm, Dryland 7:30pm
Monday January 31 Dryland 6:45, Ice 8:00pm

Monday, December 20, 2010

Practice 12/20 @ 6:45pm

Monday (Tonight) 12/20 Ice Practice (6:45p to 7:45p)
  • No Dryland.
  • Have kids there approx. 30 minutes before to allow for ample dress time.
  • This is last official practice for the year

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Parent/Child Scrimmage and Pizza Party

Let me know if you are interested in playing in the Parent/Child scrimmage.  We will even up teams if there is not enough parents. 

Jeff Ramsay is hosting a pizza party for the players on behalf of the Jr. Americans program.  Party starts after our scrimmage.